Organizations are challenged today to become both more data driven and more nimble to adapt quickly to changing conditions. These challenges are the driving forces behind much of their digital transformation or “modernization” efforts. Digital Transformation is defined as the process of integrating digital technology into all areas of a business to create and capture […]
It’s no secret that IT modernization is a top priority for the US federal government. A quick trip in the congressional time machine to revisit 2017’s Modernizing Government Technology Act surfaces some of the most salient points regarding agencies’ challenges: The federal government spends nearly 75% of its annual information technology funding on operating and […]
Information technology has been at the heart of governments around the world, enabling them to deliver vital citizen services, such as healthcare, transportation, employment, and national security. All of these functions rest on technology and share a valuable commodity: data. Data is produced and consumed in ever-increasing amounts and therefore must be protected. After all, […]
Cloudera DataFlow for the Public Cloud (CDF-PC) is a cloud-native service for Apache NiFi within the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP). CDF-PC enables organizations to take control of their data flows and eliminate ingestion silos by allowing developers to connect to any data source anywhere with any structure, process it, and deliver to any destination using […]
Data is the fuel that drives government, enables transparency, and powers citizen services. But while state and local governments seek to improve policies, decision making, and the services constituents rely upon, data silos create accessibility and sharing challenges that hinder public sector agencies from transforming their data into a strategic asset and leveraging it for […]
We’ve come a long way since 1778 when George Washington’s spies gathered and shared military intelligence on the British Army’s tactical operations in occupied New York. But information broadly, and the management of data specifically, is still “the” critical factor for situational awareness, streamlined operations, and a host of other use cases across today’s tech-driven […]
In the second blog of the Universal Data Distribution blog series, we explored how Cloudera DataFlow for the Public Cloud (CDF-PC) can help you implement use cases like data lakehouse and data warehouse ingest, cybersecurity, and log optimization, as well as IoT and streaming data collection. A key requirement for these use cases is the […]
Every large enterprise organization is attempting to accelerate their digital transformation strategies to engage with their customers in a more personalized, relevant, and dynamic way. The ability to perform analytics on data as it is created and collected (a.k.a. real-time data streams) and generate immediate insights for faster decision making provides a competitive edge for […]
In the first blog of the Universal Data Distribution blog series, we discussed the emerging need within enterprise organizations to take control of their data flows. From origin through all points of consumption both on-prem and in the cloud, all data flows need to be controlled in a simple, secure, universal, scalable, and cost-effective way. […]