Apache Ozone is a scalable distributed object store that can efficiently manage billions of small and large files. Ozone natively provides Amazon S3 and Hadoop Filesystem compatible endpoints in addition to its own native object store API endpoint and is designed to work seamlessly with enterprise scale data warehousing, machine learning and streaming workloads. The […]
This blog post was written by Guest Blogger Li Cheng, Software Engineer, Tencent Inc. Using Hadoop-Ozone in Prod Apache Hadoop-Ozone is a new-era object storage solution for Big Data platform. It is scalable with strong consistency. Ozone uses Raft protocol, implemented by Apache Ratis (Incubating), to achieve high availability in its distributed system. My team […]
Apache Hadoop Ozone is a distributed key-value store that can manage both small and large files alike. Ozone was designed to address the scale limitations of HDFS with respect to small files. HDFS is designed to store large files and the recommended number of files on HDFS is 300 million for a Namenode, and doesn’t […]
Editors Note: Find more recent information regarding Apache Ozone, here: Apache Ozone – A High Performance Object Store for CDP Private Cloud 1. Introduction The Apache Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) has been the de facto file system for big data. It is easy to forget just how scalable and robust HDFS is in the […]