Cloudera’s open source licensing policies have evolved with the changing dynamics in open source innovation. For more information on Cloudera’s current policy, please contact We are now well into 2022 and the megatrends that drove the last decade in data—The Apache Software Foundation as a primary innovation vehicle for big data, the arrival of […]
Follow your data in object storage on-premises As businesses look to scale-out storage, they need a storage layer that is performant, reliable and scalable. With Apache Ozone on the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP), they can implement a scale-out model and build out their next generation storage architecture without sacrificing security, governance and lineage. CDP integrates […]
Governance and the sustainable handling of data is a critical success factor in virtually all organizations. While Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) already supports the entire data lifecycle from ‘Edge to AI’, we at Cloudera are fully aware that enterprises have more systems outside of CDP. It is crucial to avoid that CDP becomes the next […]
Many organizations struggle to meet growing and variable data warehouse demands. No matter how much they pad their annual IT budgets, there never seems to be enough capacity to cover unexpected business requests. This leads to resource restrictions for the various business units that use the platform. When business units are not well served by […]
Cloudera delivers an enterprise data cloud that enables companies to build end-to-end data pipelines for hybrid cloud, spanning edge devices to public or private cloud, with integrated security and governance underpinning it to protect customers data. Cloudera has found that customers have spent many years investing in their big data assets and want to continue […]
CDP for Azure introduces fine-grained authorization for access to Azure Data Lake Storage using Apache Ranger policies. Cloudera and Microsoft have been working together closely on this integration, which greatly simplifies the security administration of access to ADLS-Gen2 cloud storage. Apache Ranger provides a centralized console to manage authorization and view audits of access to […]
Editor’s Note, August 2020: CDP Data Center is now called CDP Private Cloud Base. You can learn more about it here. Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Data Center(DC) is the on-premises release of Cloudera Data Platform. CDP DC combines the best services and components from Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub and Hortonworks Data Platform Enterprise along with […]
Machine learning (ML) has become one of the most critical capabilities for modern businesses to grow and stay competitive today. From automating internal processes to optimizing the design, creation and marketing processes behind virtually every product consumed, ML models have permeated almost every aspect of our work and personal lives — and for businesses, the […]
The next generation of big data warehousing is being built on transactional tables. Transactions, of course, enable new use cases that require updating, deleting, and merging rows of data. But more importantly, a transaction-centric design enables advanced features such as materialized views, aggressive data caching and efficient replication between warehouses which are critical for modern […]