Doubling Down on Cloudera’s Healthcare and Life Sciences Focus—A Closer Look at Academic Medical Centers

I recently joined Cloudera as Managing Director for Healthcare and Life Sciences (HCLS), and I’m excited to be here! During my first six months with Cloudera, I’ve been meeting with many customers, from providers to payers to life sciences organizations to capture their input, learn about their challenges, and partner with them to help drive data transformation in their organizations. 

We all know that healthcare accounts for nearly 19% of GDP in the United States, with $3.5 to $4 trillion spent on healthcare. I am absolutely convinced that if we all work together, we can bring down the total cost of care, both from an absolute and relative perspective. And while healthcare data doubles every six months, we at Cloudera believe that your data—the analysis of the data and insights derived from it—are the only way to change patient, member and physician behavior in healthcare. 

Today, I’d like to talk about how we partner with academic medical centers (AMC) and about their unique role in the healthcare continuum. There are more than 200 AMCs in the United States today, and here are some of the common challenges they face:

  • Deliver value-based care while maximizing reimbursement levels—and improve patient outcomes.
  • Respond and thrive during healthcare industry mergers and acquisitions
  • Drive operational and research efforts to improve care quality, reduce unnecessary expenses, and train future generations of clinicians 
  • Improve population health
  • Ingest, analyze and consume data to improve patient outcomes
  • Provide high volumes of advanced care while maintaining standby capacity for patients with rare and catastrophic illnesses
  • Manage patients who may have limited or no insurance, low income and high social needs 

Connecting the AMC dots with big data

We are working to help AMCs embrace the human side of data to support patients, doctors and the overall community. A big data platform can help these organizations by providing modern tools such as analytics, real-time data streaming, artificial intelligence and machine learning. AMCs already possess a huge volume of human-centric data from connected medical devices, sensors and monitors—edge data—to data from labs, imaging centers and electronic medical records—not to mention payer claims and other sources. Combined, all of this data can be used to improve overall care and health outcomes. When AMCs gain an ability to use data in real time, it helps them get out ahead of a range of conditions including congestive heart failure, sepsis and stroke, just to name a few. All with potential life-saving outcomes.

At Cloudera, our goal is to connect and protect your HCLS organization and business. The way we do that is by providing a comprehensive platform from the bedside and the edge to complex machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). And take that intelligence directly back to the point of care.

Driven by deep analytics and real-time insights, a big data approach supports a collaborative environment in which patients thrive, physicians are empowered, and communities are made stronger. In this way, big data serves as a key enabler of the AMC mission and vision.

To learn more about our approach to big data within AMCs, download our white paper: A Big Data Approach to Improving Care in Academic Medical Centers.

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