A 5D model to assess your IoT readiness

A 5D model to assess your IoT readiness

The number one challenge that enterprises struggle with their IoT implementation is not being able to measure if they are successful or not with it. Most of the enterprises start an IoT initiative without assessing their potential prior hand to be able to complete it. Even if they complete it, they lack the ability to identify and correlate the success metrics with key business goals. As a result, the business doesn’t understand the total cost of ownership of an IoT initiative led by IT.

Late last year, Cloudera commissioned TDWI, an independent research firm, to create an IoT readiness assessment guide for enterprises so that they can measure themselves first on their strengths and weaknesses before they embarked on an IoT initiative. The report created a readiness model with five dimensions and various metrics under each dimension. Each metric is associated with one or more questions. Based on your responses, an assessment report will be created. The report also guides you in evaluating your assessment report for your strengths and weaknesses.

IoT Readiness assessment

The five dimensions of the readiness model are –

  • Organizational readiness – The fundamental premise is that IoT initiatives originate as business ideas. The metrics in this dimension help you to evaluate if your IoT use cases are define well, if they are aligned with business goals, if you have executive backing for your project, and if your initiative is funded well to completion.
  • Data readiness – These set of metrics help you measure if your organization is geared up to handle the sheer volume, variety and velocity of IoT data. It is meant for you to assess if you have thought through processes such as continuous data ingestion, enterprise data integration and data governance.
  • Data infrastructure readiness – IoT architectures can be insanely complex and sophisticated. You must assess your readiness in building up such a scalable architecture. Topics like data storage need to be well thought out before embarking on an IoT initiative. Will you be needing local edge storage? Will your data be stored on-premises, on the cloud or in a hybrid architecture?
  • Analytics readiness – Your IoT implementation is only as good as your ability to harness the value of the real-time data it generates. IoT analytics is a whole different beast in the world of predictive and prescriptive insights your business is looking for. The metrics in this dimension will help you evaluate how prepared you are to analyze the massive volumes of real-time data coming from hundreds of IoT devices.
  • IT, development and operational readiness – The impact of launching an IoT project is felt in all parts of the organization. Multiple departments and functions within your organization need to realign themselves to the needs of your IoT initiative in order to attain success. These metrics can help you with measuring those.

Once you have read the first half of the report, take the online IoT data readiness assessment. Now, read the second half of the report to understand how to interpret the scores you obtained on your assessment. You might notice that you are probably strong in a few areas and weak in others. It helps you identify which opportunities you can jump on to, based on your strengths. It also suggests appropriate recommendations for improvement based on your weaknesses.

The Cloudera IoT team will be available at our booth (#1145) at IoT World between May 14th – 16th, 2019. Come and ask us questions about your IoT readiness. Get your questions answered by our SME team that will be available at our booth. Get to see some exciting demos of our IoT data management platform. Cloudera DataFlow (CDF) is a comprehensive edge-to-enterprise streaming data platform. It addresses the key data management challenges with streaming and IoT data for all types of enterprises. Cloudera Edge Management (CEM) is a key part of the CDF platform and it addresses IoT and edge data management challenges around data collection and processing edge data from a wide range of edge devices and streaming sources.

Attend my talk – Manage and Monitor your manufacturing edge with agents and hubs – on May 15th at 2:40 pm. Get your free Expo Pass to IoT World and join us. Grab some amazing t-shirts and stickers from our booth. See you there!


Internet of Things World

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